Accessibility Services
Ticketing: ADA tickets can be purchased online at Ticketmaster. You do not need to call the box office to place an order as all of our accessible tickets are available through Ticketmaster. Look for the logo on the Find Tickets page to view all available accessible seats. We do have accessible seating in various price ranges, but be advised it does occasionally sell out. We have limited seating available for guests on the day of the event so please make sure you purchase accessible seating when you order tickets.
Unexpected Needs: If you have had an injury or illness that prevents you from using the original seat you purchased, please email us at PunchLineHouston@LiveNation.com to coordinate accommodations in advance of the show. We have a limited number of seats available on the day of the show for such issues, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to seat you. Please remember that accessible seating permits for the guest with the accessible need and one companion.
Interpreter Requests: If you will need an interpreter for an event, please give us at least 2 weeks' notice to secure. Guests who request an interpreter will need to pick up their tickets at will call. When the tickets are picked up we will introduce you to your interpreter for the evening and take you to your seats. There is no charge to arrange for an interpreter for your visit.
Hearing Assistance: Guests that require assisted listening devices can contact our venue office prior to the event to arrange for a device. Please give us at least 2 weeks notice. We can be reached via email PunchLineHouston@LiveNation.com.
Service Animals: Service animals are permitted inside the venue during events. Only registered working animals are permitted. Punch Line Houston requires, consistent with the ADA, that service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents them from using these devices. Individuals who cannot use such devices must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective methods.